Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Remembering High School

My 10 HS reunion is rapidly approaching. That's why I felt I had to write about this as soon as I saw it on Youtube. When you put your experiences in HighSchool into context, they seem very insignficant... and that's exactly what this song reveals. Enjoy.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

My New CGMS from Minimed

Yesterday I got my new continuous montior delivered from Minimed. It took me a while to get everything figured out, but I think I finally got the hang of it. After inserting the sensor, I discovered that my insulin was bad. It took me several hour before I finally got my insulin below 300.

My current Stats are:
CGMS: 152
Meter: 97
iSig 17.66

So the stats are not very good! I'm hoping that there was a calibration problem, but I'm going to have to monitor it very closely for the next several days! When I first calibrated the sensor, my BG was over 300. Also (as you can see) there is some blood around the end of the transmitter. I really don't think that should be a problem, but I may be wrong.

In the next several days I hope to post some of my graphs and my interpretations.
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Glen Beck

So I'm watching Youtube videos and I come across this video about Glen Beck absolutely losing his freakn' mind! In my opinion, he typifies the high quality of reporting and dedication to the disemination of factual news to the public. Honestly, its no wonder American's are so uninformed about their world and politics as compared to other countries. Remember the old poll that found that people who watched the Daily Show were more informed about the position of candidates during the 2006 election than those people who watched every other news source? Our national media is in serious need of help!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Computer

Welcome to my blog! I had to close down my last website cause I can't afford it anymore. Oh well. But, I intend to use this space to talk endlessly and meaninglessly about my life and thoughts. I know... this is going to be the worst blog in the world!

Today I spent the entire day setting up my new computer!!! Yeah. Here's what I got:

Asus CG5290
Intel i7 2.67GHz (overclocked right now)
9GB DDR3 Ram
1TB Hard Drive
ASUS VH232H Widescreen LCD with HDMI input

This machine is the SHIT! Definitly the best machine I've owned or touched EVER!

I intend to post pictures, but the battery in my camera is dead. Here's a pic from the web though:

Isn't she pretty. You know what I should do... I should have a naming contest. What should I name my new computer? Post comments below with your suggestions.
